Sundays at 9:30 AM

Current Teaching:

12/1 – Christmas Hope 
12/8 – Christmas Love
12/15 – Christmas Joy
12/22 – Christmas Peace & First Kids Christmas Program
12/24 (11:00 PM) – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Our current series is “Christmas!” where we explore the Advent themes of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. 

Think beyond the decorations and presents as we look at what Christ’s birth says about who God is and what he’s like. Think about how the story calls us into the best and most beautiful themes of our human existance.

Looking for a church?

First may not be fancy, but you’ll find us a great place to grow. We’re about getting back to basics: The Bible, genuine friendships, and doing good in the world. Our building is pretty old school and we’re not high production. We try to do things well, but value participation over perfection. We have an older congregation but are putting significant energy into all age-groups and our youth and young family numbers are growing.

Whether you’re looking for a permanent church home or just need a temporary place to seek God and reset, you’re welcome here. 

The Journey Continues...



We are open for the night of 12/5! We do understand there are bad conditions especially West of US131 so please make a decision that is safest for you and your family. But if you are in one of the clearer areas, like Portage or Kalamazoo, we welcome you to the show tonight!

After a year off, the Bethlehem Journey is back for this Christmas Season! Join us for an evening between Thursday, December 5 and Saturday, the 7th for a journey through the town of Bethlehem to seek out the Christ Child with your family and friends.

Click here for more information.

A Season to Celebrate!

As we approach Thanksgiving and then our busy Christmas season, we are preparing to celebrate. We celebrate all the good things God has given us, n one greater than the Savior born to reunite us with our Father. So we focus on God in our worship, in our programs (like the upcoming Bethlehem Journey and First Kids Christmas program) and just through our time together.  We hope if you’re looking for a church home, that you’ll join us in celebration and worship this holiday season.

Recent Bulletins