
Alliance of Reformed Churches

FRCP’s “denomination” is the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC). The ARC describes itself as:


  • As friends and partners in Christ, seeking first the Kingdom of God with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Pursuing unrelentingly innovative ways to engage a changing world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • Embracing the diversity of the human experience under obedience to Christ our King.

As a part of ARC, we subscribe to a set of creeds and confessions that can be found here. While we uphold that the holy scriptures are our final rule for faith and life, the historical confessions and creeds are good teachers for a basic understanding of the general counsel of God’s Word. That said, we know that no man-made confession is perfect and that every person is on a journey to better know God both intellectually and experientially, so we invite questions and searching as we all study the Word together. And while there are boundaries we will hold to, we aim to be a church with a lot of room to sincerely wrestle with God’s truth.

Under the umbrella of ARC, First Reformed is a part of the Michigan Catalyst Network. This network is made up of regional partner churches working together as Kingdom partners. Our closest network church is Haven Reformed Church in Kalamazoo, MI.

More info about MCN can be found at