Welcome to August! A lot is happening as we enter the last third of summer. Enjoy the updates…
City of Portage Farmers Market Proposal
As some of you already know, the City of Portage is interested in some portion of our property (half to all of the grass area east of the parking lot) to build a pavilion and green space for a new farmer’s market. There have been multiple proposals over the past several years and two months ago the city reached out to Kyle with drawings and an invitation to negotiate but without any numbers or a formal offer. Consistory discussed the options at the July meeting, and then decided to take at least an additional month to pray about how to move forward. It’s on the agenda for the upcoming August meeting.
We are sharing this here for transparency sake but also to quell any rumors. There has been no official offer, no decision from Consistory, and only an initial discussion of pros and cons. IF Consistory decides to entertain the proposal, there will be clear communication with the congregation and likely some type of congregational affirmation process before any deal was struck. Additionally, there are restrictions on our property remaining from our transfer from the RCA to the ARC that affect the process. Please join Consistory is praying for God’s wisdom and will in this process.
Family Fun Night is next week!
It’s almost here! Hangout with your church friends in church’s backyard, enjoy some great food, and play some games on Monday night, August 12, 2024, 5:30-8:00Who knows? You might win something! Sign up in the Church Center App or go here: https://frcportage.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2398902
Trouble with the techy sign-up? No worries! Option 1: call or text Cindi (269-327-3694 or office@frcportage.org) and just let her know you’re coming, or 2) just show up! There will be plenty of food. Bring a lawn chair or blanket.
New Rear Entrance Update
We are excited to let everyone know that rear entrance addition (a project several years in the making) is about to become a reality. This entrance will create an airlock area for the rear parking lot doors as well as add an overhang for dry passenger drop offs. All design and material decisions have been made and Glass and Associates are ready to begin construction. The current delay is on the poured wall contractor and door manufacturing, but we’re hoping to start by end of August. The plan is to continue to use the entrance through construction, but we will keep everyone informed of changes.
Sam Smith, Hunter Heystek, and Kathy Hoeksema follow up
We are happy to report good news all around. Sam has been discharged from the hospital and walking around. He had 9 broken ribs on one side, 2 on the other, and his lung re-inflated itself shortly after impact. The puncture was minor and though he has limited range of motion in his shoulder from the contusion of impact, there were no separations or tears. Hunter Heystek’s leg, though severely bruised, does not have any fractures! Kathy Hoeksema’s hip surgery went very well, and besides soreness from the operation, resulted in almost total alleviation of her pain.
- Regarding Kaylee Heystek’s uncle Ben Daam: he will be having brain surgery on the 22nd to do biopsy or resection. We are hoping for inflammation but the doctor thinks it is the tumor coming back. Please pray for him! Pray it is inflammation!
- Sam, Hunter and Kathy’s continued recovery.
- Wisdom for Consistory as they consider future decisions.
- Fall planning: Kids First Sunday morning kids ministry, Kidz KamP, and Middle and High School youth groups, and discipleship options.
- Recent spiritual decisions and interest, including Baptism inquiries
- Praise for our ALL our many volunteers (of recent note Tom St. Peter for landscaping help and Jim Thompson and Gloria Terpstra for helping with record keeping and archive processes).