Greetings, friends! January is halfway over. Can you believe it?

Friday Morning Prayer Time Change

The Friday morning prayer group is now meeting at 9:00 AM. We hope this change helps more people attend and lift up the people and activities of First Reformed. The group meets in the lobby area by the entrance to the sanctuary.

Parenting with Purpose Seminar

The Michigan Catalyst Network advertised this opportunity this past week: Parenting with Purpose is designed to give families support so they can create thriving families. We’ll explore the importance and power of being connected to ourselves, our children, our village, and, most importantly, to God as we parent, all while learning practical tools you can implement right away. The hope is for you to leave this half-day conference refreshed, reminded of the importance of parenting with God at the center, and energized to make the necessary steps to create and maintain health in your household. Learn More and register at

Parenting with Purpose: Half-Day Parenting Conference
Saturday, January 25 from 9:00am-1:30pm
Cost: $10/Person
Located at Vriesland Church | 6839 Byron Road, Zeeland, MI
Childcare will be available for children 2 years old – 5th grade for $10.

Basics Class: “Following” starting February 9

Brian Clark, Kyle’s longtime friend and a former pastor, will be teaching a 6-week Sunday class (11:00 – 12:00pm) on what it means to follow Jesus as a modern day disciple. This class is based on the growth guide and presents the core elements of living for Jesus in a practical way. This leads to actual obedience through personal goals.

Who is this for? Everyone!

First, remember, we’re asking every person who considers First their church home to attend the six basics classes within five years. This helps us cover the basics of the Christian life and will equip everyone to walk with the Lord in a real, living way. It gives us a common understanding of our faith, which will help unite our congregation.

Secondly, if you’ve been a Christian for a long time or gone to church for years, this class is for you! It’s possible to assume we understand the Christian life, or to have become complacent in our walk assuming God doesn’t have much more for us. Challenge yourself to revisit the “basics” and see where God wants you to grow.

Thirdly, if you’re a new Christian or don’t even understand the words “discipleship”, “follower”, etc., this class is definitely for you. You’ll explore the Bible and be exposed with scriptures that talk about what it means to live for God.

There will also be childcare provided. Sign up in Church Center Groups or email

Weather Policy Reminder

In this glorious season of frigid temps and heaping snow, it’s good to freshen up on our cancellation policy. Typically, the church will close if Portage Schools are closed, but not always. Occasionally, the school may close for morning weather conditions that clear by the afternoon, allowing us to hold evening meetings or activities. The Executive Team will evaluate conditions in relation to our scheduled services or activities and make a call at least two hours in advance. Any cancellation will be communicated via a Church Center notification, the home page of our website, on WWMT and an All-Call. Other avenues may be included, like social media and the answering system in the office.

New Phones at Church

This week, CTS installed a new phone system at church. This is a Voice Over Internet system, using our also new AT&T Fiber internet. This system gives us more functionality with voicemail and call-forwarding, allowing staff to more easily check voicemail and take church calls even outside of the office. Due to the prevalence of cell phones, there is only one physical phone (in addition to the offices) by the kitchen. To use, simply pick up the phone and dial the 10-digit number. Our church number remains 269-327-3694.

Valet Service

A friendly reminder to our friends who may struggle walking or not want to navigate our snow-covered parking lot: we have several greeters at our front doors to help you into the church, and we are more than happy to park your car and retrieve your car for you on Sunday mornings. Simply pull through to the parking lot entrance doors and let us know how we can help.

Cheering Section