Basics: Following

The 6 week, Basics: Following class will start February 9, 2025, at 11:00 AM, meeting in the Chapel. Chris VanDenOever’s Romans study will take a break to allow for people to participate in the class. This class does a survey of the key elements of a life of the follower of Jesus, outlined on the Growth Guide. Each of these elements is its own world, with a lifetime of growth opportunities. The class not only introduces you to each of these areas and the scriptures that define it, it also challenges and equips you to evaluate yourself and seek God’s help to grow. This is done by clarifying your “next step”. Brian Clark will be leading the group and child care will be available if needed.

Sign up in Church Center (go to the Groups tab) or visit this link:

Getting to Know One Another Through the Directory

We’ve heard some comments lately that people are looking for ways to get to know one another, especially with a growing number of new visitors. Great problem to have! One idea suggested was name tags for Sunday morning. While this may be a possibility in the future, it comes with some logistical challenges. But here are a couple other ways to get to know people’s names that can be done this Sunday:

Join the new Welcome Center Team!

Another way to help visitors and those who may need help with the tools we use at First to stay connected is by signing up as a Welcome Center Host. This will be a group of volunteers who rotate Sundays to stand at the Welcome Center (the round desk) in the lobby and assist those looking for information about church or help with communication technologies. We are looking for friendly people, especially those who would enjoy making visitors feel welcomed. If you don’t feel very tech savvy, that’s not a problem; the main job of the Welcome Center Host is to connect the person with someone who can assist them. This job would involve being at the desk from (9:00-9:30 AM and following the service for 15 minutes or so). If you’d like more information on serving in this capacity, please contact Kyle.

From Frozen Lake Michigan to Arizona

Kyle survived the frigid temps and Lake Michigan ice mountains this past weekend and is now headed with Nikki to Arizona for the Alliance of Reformed Church’s Annual Gathering. They are looking forward to connecting with other leaders in our denomination and network.

If you’d like to listen to the sessions from home, they are being live-streamed on their website here:

Softball League Chatter

There have been some rumblings about putting a team together for the Portage city league again. If you’re interested in playing, talk with Kyle or Hayden. If there is enough initial interest, we will schedule an official info meeting soon.

Cheering Section

Kyle, Nikki and Charlotte would like thank the several families who have come to watch her basketball games! Also, Tim Kirby recently won is 100th Varsity Women’s Basketball game! Congrats, Tim.