Wednesday (Today) Happenings This Week
Tonight (Wednesday), we have three great opportunities for fun, food, and service. First is KidZ KamP “Bring Your Grandparents” night from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. At the same time is Family Fun at First, which is a monthly meal and fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall. On the menu is chili, three kinds of soup, salad and corn bread. All ages welcome! Doug and Sue Bos will be sharing about their motorcycle ministry, too. For those grandparents who may want to be in both places, there will be time to eat and also participate in KidZ KamP.
Then at 8:00 PM, if you’re not too full or sleepy, please help us finish taking our Christmas decorations down. It should take less than an hour and whatever help you can offer will be appreciated.
Communion This Week (and Year)
Communion is this Sunday, and we will be doing it in one of the many different formats available to keep it as a fresh means of grace to our minds and hearts. After presenting the elements, there will be a time to walk forward to either side of the stage and receive the elements from the elders. You may either take in the elements there or return to the pew to do them at your own pace. For those whom it would be difficult to walk down front, we will have two elders distributing as well. Simply raise your hand and they will bring the bread and cup to you. The elders have decided to rotate between serving and walk-up formats through the year. Our intention is that this small change makes Communion all the more meaningful to your worship.
Cheering Section
- Friday, 1/10 at 7:00 PM – Charlotte Douglass, Varsity Basketball @ Portage Central Highschool